Google's Credential Manager brings passwordless login to Android

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In the ever-evolving landscape of online security, passkeys are appearing as the next big thing to replace passwords and two-factor authentication. Google, a prominent player in this arena, will reportedly introduce its Credential Manager to implement passwordless login to Android devices on November 1.

The Credential Manager is intended to simplify the login process. It securely stores passkeys, passwords, and usernames. It also adds an extra layer of security on top through biometrics. Passkeys represent a shift away from the traditional username and password model and even bypass the need for two-factor authentication. Instead, users will be able to access their favorite apps and websites with a simple fingerprint or face scan.


What sets Google’s Credential Manager apart is its ability to automatically guide users to the appropriate login method. This means you no longer have to remember which app uses which authentication method, as the system handles it for you.

Google’s Credential Manager might be an invitation to app developers to implement passwordless login

Google has recently taken a significant step by making passkeys the default method for logging into personal Google accounts. Users will be prompted to create and use passkeys during the next sign-in. This strategic move signals Google’s intent to encourage Android apps to embrace passkeys.

Moreover, Credential Manager simplifies the process of integrating passwordless login into apps. Google mentions that popular applications like WhatsApp and Uber have already adopted this system. It can select the most suitable login option for users, even when multiple options exist for the same account. This prioritization and seamless switching between accounts enhance the user experience.

Passkeys are more secure than traditional passwords all while being easier to use

From a security perspective, passkeys offer several advantages over traditional passwords. They are less susceptible to phishing attempts as they only function within the specific website or app for which they were created. Furthermore, the device never shares them with the website or app itself, strengthening security and privacy.

For users, passkeys offer a more secure and easy login experience, while developers benefit from simplified support for various login methods. The Credential Manager also works seamlessly with popular password managers.

As the digital world continues to evolve, Google’s Credential Manager brings the promise of a more secure, convenient, and efficient future for online authentication.

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Credit: Google